3 hrs Snorkeling  with Tito’s

Discover the under water world of the unique Red Sea with a short snorkeling trip with your family and friends. Colorful fishes, corals and an amazing landscape with make your holiday most memorable.

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Snorkeling equipment

Snorkeling guide

Hotel Transfer


All included

35 Reviews
Czech Republic

Speed boat

-14 March 2019-

Moc se nam libil vylet na lodi do Modre laguny. Nejdriv nas vzali na ostrov kde byla voda krasne pruhledna (udelali jsme tam hezke fotky), jeli jsme tam cca 10-15 minut. Potom nas kapitan odvezl na zivy koral kde jsme se potapely a videli spoustu krasne zbarvenych ryb a nadherny koral. Kapitan byl moc privetivy. Pujcil nam i svoji masku:) pokud se vam vylet bude libit, nezapomente mu nechat spropitne :) vylet doporucujeme a prejeme krasny pobyt a spoustu zabavy!

Julie - Czech Republic
Czech Republic


-12 March 2019-

Super😰😕 wir Waren in der blauen Lagune war wie auf den malediven

Same Alfred - Austria
... 10 11 12 

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